Saturday, November 15, 2008

malaysiakini and the NO APPEAL Decision....

I think most Malaysians are surprised that the AG's office has decided not to appeal against the judge's decision to throw out the case against ARB for the alleged murder of Altuntuuya.
According to this malaysiakini article No appeal against Abdul Razak's acquittalthe DPP claims that the 'Court made a finding of fact'. The judge may be wise but he is not infallible. Is the DPP saying that he blew the case against ARB?
That seems to be the easy way out but now we have 2 masked cops who do not have a motive to kill an unknown foreign woman; let alone blow her to bits.
It seems that it is not only the police who plant incriminating evidence as seen in the decision of the Federal Court to enable the HK resident escapes gallowsbut some DPPs do not take their jobs seriously.
Maybe I should rephrase that - some DPPs really take their duties seriously as they seem to act based on political considerations. Truly we have serious problems not only with some judges and some policemen - the ENTIRE administration of justice stinks from rot.

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