Saturday, March 21, 2009

malaysiakini and a Message for SAWARAK Voters

Some people say that Hitler did not feel guilt over the extermination of 6 million Jews during the Second World War and most people who commit crime over a long period become used to it and their conscience is unperturbed.
So this article in malaysiakini is hardly surprising when Masing claims 'not guilty' over indigenous displacement .
I remember during the interview he was asked what could people do about wrong-doing and he replied that there was nothing wrong as no (police) action had been taken all these years. Of course we all know that the PDRM will not or cannot act against such powerful leaders.
After a little more determined effort from the gutsy Fauziah, he said that voters have a choice every 5 years.
So to the voters of Batang Ai - you can make the difference. Let your voice be heard throughout the state. How can you allow such a situation to continue?

Thanks to You Tube and alJazeera

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